Botox® Cosmetic is a popular injectable treatment for lines and wrinkles on the forehead and around the eyes. Botox boasts significant wrinkle-minimizing effects that can last up to four months, and women and men of all ages love the smoothing, anti-aging effects that treatment provides.
But Botox is a medical treatment, and the thought of needles coming close to your face can be nerve-wracking. Side effects are generally mild, but many people hope to avoid the unsightly swelling and bruising that sometimes come along with Botox treatment.
With the right care, you don’t have to deal with unsightly bruising when you get Botox. The aesthetic specialists at Ethos Medical Group in Orange, California, offer top-quality Botox injections for men and women seeking younger-looking skin. Here are 5 ways to get the benefits of Botox without the bruising. Read on, then book a consultation with us online or over the phone.
Trust your Botox treatment to an expert
Injections, whether cosmetic or not, require medical expertise. Botox treatment generally involves a series of injections around your forehead or your eyes, and it should only be performed by a medical expert you trust.
At Ethos Medical Group, our aestheticians are highly trained in injectables. We know how to minimize your risk of bruising by using the correct tools and strategically placing injections.
Our team expertly works to avoid blood vessels in your face and targets the right depth in the skin for maximum efficacy. Trusting your Botox treatments to an expert means you’re less likely to experience bruising, and you’re more likely to have shorter recovery times.
2. Avoid blood thinners
Blood-thinning medications and supplements can increase your risk of bruising after Botox treatment because they reduce your blood’s ability to clot. If an injection hits a blood vessel, it may make bruising more likely.
Over-the-counter blood thinners include NSAID pain relievers like ibuprofen, aspirin, and naproxen. Some supplements, like vitamin E and fish oil, act as blood thinners as well.
Talk to your provider about reducing or stopping your intake of blood thinners about one week before your Botox treatment to help limit bruising around the injection sites. Also, be sure to talk to your doctor before you stop taking any prescriptions, like coumadin or clopidogrel, as stopping these medications can pose significant health risks.
3. Avoid alcohol
Alcohol affects platelets in your blood that help it clot. Like blood-thinning medications, it can reduce clotting and increase your risk of bruising after getting injections.
In general, it’s a good idea to avoid alcoholic beverages for 24 hours before you get Botox and up to a day following treatment. Temporarily eliminating alcohol can speed recovery and reduce your chances of bruising with Botox treatment.
4. Apply ice
Ice can play an important role in preventing bruising with injectable procedures. Before your injections, ice helps numb the area and constricts blood vessels. When blood vessels are small, bruising is less likely.
Continue applying ice once your treatment is complete to keep blood vessels smaller. This not only limits bruising, but it also helps manage any swelling you might experience. For best results, apply ice to the injection areas for 20 minutes at a time every hour following treatment.
5. Take a break from exercise
Exercising increases your heart rate and boosts blood flow. Regular exercise is important for your health, but it can increase your chances of bruising immediately following Botox treatment. Avoid strenuous exercise for one to two days after getting Botox to keep bruises from forming as your skin heals from the injections.
Our team specializes in Botox to reduce wrinkles and enhance your natural beauty. Call us or request a consultation online to learn more about what Botox treatment could do for you.