It’s an unavoidable part of aging that everyone encounters at some point. Their skin loses laxity and luster and begins to advertise the passage of time. It doesn’t matter …
If your vision is clear, seeing is like breathing: You don’t notice your ability when everything is going great. However, it’s easy to take good vision for granted. In …
Everyone has a different reason for wanting an eyelid lift, ranging from looking younger to improving their eyesight. At Ethos Medical Group in Orange, California, our expert team offers this minor …
You’ve probably heard of Botox®. It remains one of the world’s most popular cosmetic procedures, with nearly 7.5 million Botox treatments given to US patients in 2018. Botox isn’t just for …
Spots, scars, and stretch marks can be unsightly and may make you feel less than self-confident. In Southern California, body-conscious clothing puts your skin on display for much of …
Dry eyes can be a temporary or chronic condition, and they may get worse during certain times of the year. If left untreated, chronic dry eyes can cause lasting …
As we get older, some people develop a cataract in one or both eyes that interferes with vision. There are other causes of cataracts, too. Luckily, treatments are available …
Dry eyes — one of the most common and irritating conditions — occurs when you are unable to produce tears that efficiently lubricate your eyes, or you can’t produce …
If you wear glasses or contacts, you may only check in with your ophthalmologist every year or two, when you need a change in your prescription. If you don’t …
If you wake up each morning only to be greeted in the mirror by a face that’s showing signs of aging, don’t throw in the towel on recapturing your …